The route was built as a result of the implementation of the project "Natural Garden of Rila Monastery Nature Park" financed by the Small Projects Program of the Global Environment Facility. The main result of the project is the creation of a new tourist product aimed at developing sustainable tourism and the resulting knowledge and conservation of biodiversity. Within the framework of the project, the biological diversity of the Kirilova Polyana - Dry Lake, which is located on the territory of the Rila Monastery RDP, has been studied. It is built as a botanical route and is marked and marked accordingly. An interpretative flyer for the route has been prepared and a guidebook has been issued. On this route you can see the rich deposits of the mountain lily (Lilium jankae) - a species included in the Red Book of the Republic of Bulgaria as a rare species, a Balkan endemic, under the protection of the Biological Diversity Act. The area of the waterfall and the rocks are difficult but rich in plant species such as Verbascum jankae, Sempervivum sp./, Brucentallia sp./, Viola sp./, Potentilla sp./, cloves / Dianthus sp./, mountain peony / Trollius europaeus /, Sennifraga sp. /. Suitable for people with mild physical disabilities.